Kang Chang-yong, a dentist who calls himself a so-called conscience dentist, posted a strange video on SNS.
According to the caption, it seems to warn them not to treat them excessively, but Kim Min-gyeom of the Seoul Dental Association.Would the chairman have given such a warning?
What happened between the two.
Let's trace the story that's going on on SNS.
소위 양심치과의사라고 자칭하는 강창용 치과의사가 sns에 이상한 동영상을 올렸습니다.
자막을 보면 과잉진료하지말라며 주의를 주는 듯한 모습인데 과연 서울시치과의사회 김민겸.회장이 그러한 경고를 했을까요.
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